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Saturday 2 May 2009

KAMASUTRA-Classic Lovemaking Techinques


The Kamasutra and its associate texts Ananga Ranga, The Perfume Gardent, and theTao are not as badly sexual as we assume. There is connection between these ancient writings and life in the 20th centurys. It is a connection that centres on fellings. Although it is possible for us to interact sexually with many people, unless we have also cultivated some loves and warmthed towards the person who is arousing us. we won't get near the real goal of Kama. The concept of Kama involves the " enjoyment of appropriate objects by the five sense of hearing, felling, seeing, tasting, and smelling assisted by the mind together with soul". As a concept Kama is just as relevant to us now as it was to the Indians around in AD400.

The Kamasutra may have been produced at any time between AD100 and AD400. And it was written in an India that no longer exists. In those days the idle citizen cultivated an idle life.He surrounded himself with friends, made love as if it were an artform, ate and drank well, was interested in painting and music and regard himself as a fair lord and master.
The Kamasutra has been written for the nobolity of the ancient India, by a noble man. Vatsayayana thought of life as consisting of dharma, artha and Karma.Dharma was the acquisition of religious merit; artha was the acquisition of wealth; kama was the acquisiton of love or sensual pleasure.These ideals are not that disimilar from the codes that we live by today. Although we are not so focused on religious merit any more, we do pursue self-knoweldge and personal growth, most of us would like to have enough money to enjoy a comfortable lifestyl, and most of us would like to be involved in loving sexual relationship.The main difference is that the world today is far more egalitarian than it was in the time of Vatsayayana...............

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